Portuguese Citizenship for Sephardic Jews or descendants of Sephardic Jews
Are you a sephardic jew and you missed the deadline to obtain or apply for the spanish nationality (citizenship)? Well, now you can apply to obtain the portuguese nationality.
Who can apply?
Anyone who is of sephardic jew or has sephardic descent. The person who applies has to be the legal age limit (not a minor) and also must lack criminal records (antecedentes penales).
What is the advantage of the portuguese citizenship?
- You do not need to travel to Portugal in order to apply
- You do not have to prove that you know portuguese (language) and you also do not have to prove that you know of their culture.
- You do not have to prove a special bond with Portugal
- The resolution usually takes less time (might be faster)
- If you apply and obtain this nationality, you will have a nationality of a country that belongs to the European Union, which means you could live and work legally in any country that belongs to the EU, for example, Spain.
What are documents that are needed in order to apply?
- Forms and tasas
- The form must be completely filled
- The TASA is 250 euros
- Documents that prove your sephardic origin
- Genealogical reports that prove your sephardic descent
- Documentation proving your relationship with a Sephardic Jew (birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc).
- Documents certifying the use of Sephardic customs
- Documents of a synagogue certifying its Sephardic origin
- Certificate issued by a Sephardic Jewish entity from Portugal (optional)
- Certificate issued by a foreign Sephardic Jewish entity certifying its Sephardic origin
How can I apply?
There are two ways to apply for the portuguese nationality if you are a sephardic jew:
- Certifying your sephardic origin by a certificate issued by a Sephardic Jewish entity from Portugal.
- Certifying your sephardic origin by a certificate issued by a Sephardic Jewish entity from a foreign country.
Can minors apply?
A minor cannot apply to obtain the portuguese nationality, only people who are older than the legal age limit can apply. However, a minor´s parents can apply.
Once the citizenship is approved to one or both parents, the minor could apply to obtain the citizenship through residency later on.
Once I have applied for the nationality, how can I check the status of the process?
Once you have applied for the nationality, the Registry provides a unique verification code with which the applicant can verify each of the 7 different steps or stages of the status of his file.
Once the citizenship is approved, do I need to travel to Portugal?
No. It is not necessary for you to travel to Portugal. The ¨jura,¨ can be done through the nearest Portugal Consulate to you.
How can I obtain more information?
If you wouldlike more information, please send us an email to info@stermaabogados.com or call us directly to +34 911 270 920.
We will study your case and help you collect all the documentation needed in order to apply.