The current situation with COVID-19 in Spain is causing many changes and we want to keep you informed.
Today we share information that can serve as a guide specifically for all those self-employed/freelancers who want to request the extraordinary benefit.
When we talk about the “extraordinary benefit,” we refer to unemployed benefits, commonly known as prestación por desempleo in Spanish.
Who can request the extraordinary benefit?
Any self-employed worker (freelance) who: 1- Is enrolled in the corresponding regime affected by the closure of businesses before the current Alarm State or 2- whose turnover this month falls by 75% compared to the monthly average.
When should you request the extraordinary benefit?
There is no established term or period that must be met in order to request the extraordinary benefit. It is only necessary that the self-employed person is registered in some regime and that he is up to date with his social contributions.
Can I quote this benefit if I have any debt with Social Security?
You can apply for the benefit even if you have a debt. However, you will have a 30 day deadline to enter the installments due and once you do so you will be able to access the benefit.
Are the self-employed with dependent workers entitled to request the extraordinary benefit?
Yes. If you are self-employed and have workers under your care you can do an ERTE for your workers and request the extraordinary benefit if you can: 1- show that you have had to close your company due to the Alarm State or 2- show that you have seen your billing drop by 75%.
What happens to other workers who are obliged to provide services?
As long as it is shown that their billing has fallen by 75%, the worker may request this benefit.
If I attribute by modules, how is the loss of billing recognized?
These cases are still under review. They specifically affect the self-employed who are not obliged to issue invoices.
How much money can I receive with this extraordinary benefit?
You would receive the equivalent of 70% of the regulatory base. That is to say:
If you have worked for at least 12 months: The amount will be 70% of the regulatory base.
If you have contributed less than 12 months: The amount will be 70% of the minimum contribution base (of the group to which the self-employed belongs).
How long can I receive this benefit for?
Currently you can receive this quote for a month. You will have the possibility to extend until the last day of the month in which the Alarm Status ends. (This is assuming that the alarm state is prolonged and lasts for more than a month).
When can I start requesting the extraordinary benefit?
If you are a self-employed person who has had to close your business due to the alarm state, you could start the application from March 18. If your business has not necessarily closed, you will be able to receive the quotation from the moment that you can demonstrate or credit the drop (of at least 75%) in the monthly turnover of your business.
It is important for us to be able to provide a quality service to all our clients.
Despite the current situation with COVID-19, we continue to telework and offer consultations.
We continue to offer consultations by phone or Skype with our attorneys. If you are currently self-employed and have additional concerns about this benefit, you can schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys to assist you with this matter.
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