El Programa Continúa in Madrid.
Today we bring great news to all of our clients. The Community of Madrid puts into production the Programa Continúa.
What is the purpose of this program?
The purpose of the aid is to ensure the continuity of your business and to try to avoid abandonment of the same due to lack of liquidity, as a consequence of the decrease in its activity due to the difficulties caused by the COVID19 health crisis
What does the aid consist of?
The aid consists of the payment of the amount of social contributions corresponding to the months of March and April 2020, of the workers Self-employed in difficulties, as a consequence of the health crisis of COVID-19.
Who can apply for the aid?
All workers who carry out their activity in the Community of Madrid, who are registered in the Special Social Security Regime of Self-Employed or Self-Employed Workers (RETA), including members of cooperatives, labor companies and commercial companies, or incorporated to a social welfare mutual fund that meets any of the following conditions:
- Your activity has been negatively affected by the health emergency caused by COVID-19.
- Have started their activity in March 2020 or have experienced, in March 2020, a reduction of at least 30 percent of the billing, with respect to the month of February 2020 or with respect to the month of March of 2019.
What are the requirements I have to meet to be able to get this aid?
a) Developing the activity in the Community of Madrid.
b) Having experienced any of the events established in the section previous.
c) Be registered in the RETA, or incorporated into the social welfare mutual corresponding, whether or not they had to suspend their activity in a temporary.
d) Remain registered in the RETA, or incorporated into the social welfare mutual corresponding, during, at least, the three months following the payment of the grant.
e) Be up to date with tax obligations with the State Administration and the Community of Madrid, and with Social Security or Mutual Social Security Corresponding social according to the case.
What is the deadline for submitting applications?
Applications may be submitted within one month from the entry into force of this Agreement. The presentation of applications and, where appropriate, the documentation that must accompany them, will be done exclusively by electronic means.
What is the amount of the aid?
The amount of the subsidy will be the equivalent of the installments of the months of March and April of the Special Regime for Autonomous Security Workers Social calculated on the minimum contribution base of said regime for common contingencies, this is € 534.
Is the help compatible with others?
If you have benefited from one of the following (You could NOT apply for this aid):
- Extraordinary benefit for cessation of activity referred to in article 17 of Royal Decree-Law 8/2020, of March 17, on urgent measures extraordinary to face the economic and social impact of COVID-19.
- From aid or quota discounts to the social welfare mutual correspondent.
- From the Boost Program for self-employed people in difficulties.
2020 Budget Forecast
It is 38.2 million euros by 2020, which may be expanded, which it would help some 71,536 freelancers.
Are you interested?
If you would like to have a consultation with one of our lawyers please call us at +34 911 270 920 or send us an email to info@sternaabogados.com
We are taking skype and phone consultations.