European Union citizens who plan on residing in Spain for more than three months must request a registration certificate. If this applies to you and you are in need of assistance, our lawyers at our firm in Madrid can help you out.
The foreigner requesting this certificate must work for paid or self- employment in Spain in order to reside in the country. The foreigner must also have sufficient resources and economic means to support his or her family so as not to be an unreasonable burden on the social services system. Foreigners must have public or private medical insurance contracted in Spain or one that provides coverage in our country during his or her period of residence. The insurance company must provided the same coverage as that which is offered by the National Health System.
If the foreigner requesting the EU member registration certificate is a student, he or she must be registered in a public or private educational center, recognized or funded by the educational administration, to either carry out studies or take part in professional training. He or she must have public or private medical insurance contracted in Spain or one that provides complete coverage in the country. Finally he or she must also have sufficient resources and economic means so as not to be an unreasonable burden on the social services system during his or her period of residence.
Translated by: Katherine Pascal